April`s Visions
- Cell Phones will be replaced by small devices in our ears, until that device is replaced with Our E.S.P/ Telepathy
- Earthquake will hit California / West Coast, breaking it off into the Pacific by approx. 2025-2026.
- Wars will still continue around the globe. No World wars, No destruction of our world.
- World Peace does come.
- Through United Nations, comes 1 Global form of goverment.
- Great Spiritual Movement ( has just begun)
- HIV/ AIDS will be no more.
- Cancer will be no more.
- "Ghosts" will appear to many! We will begin to see more psychics everyday as spiritual gifts awaken in millions. the veil that seperates our worlds is thinning daily!
- Above all, we begin to love our brothers & sisters of the world
- Aliens are already here, but they make themselves known in the next few years
- Medical field changes dramatically, none like we have ever seen before. All Medical procedures will be through breathe and skin
~**~ Every Breathe we take Today, leads our steps into tommorrow ~**~